I will fast forward the first 27 years okay? ...
Born In Strijen (The Netherlands) 1983, Bladiebla... coincidentally good in soccer, played at professional clubs like Feyenoord and SC Heerenveen. Broke my ankle, started my own creative agency at 18 years. After a few years it grew out to a company with 10 employees, a tie, a suit, and a life that wasn't something for me. So I quit.
I stopped the company and divorced from my first wife (which was my first real girlfriend) and became a photographer...

"In my third life in this lifetime, I became a professional photographer. (Yes this is me in this photo :) I traveled the world for companies and artists. Airplanes, models and champagne... my ego was really satisfied in these times...."
... But this was also needed to find out that this was not the way I should use my talents...
I loved making artworks, photographs, videos, all that kind of stuff. But at some point I found out that doing commercial art-work, mostly was based on lies. I hired models, make-up-artists, stylists and art-directors to create an image of a product that was not reality. They were all hired! And ofcourse this is how the world works, and ofcourse everyone in my team did it with passion... but in the end I was contributing to a world of fakeness and seduction.
But how did I get out?
The way out started in Africa...
The shoots with world artists, big brands and models were ego-satisfying ofcourse, but at the end of the day I mostly had a feeling of emptiness. Then alcohol or sex was a good temporarely solution... but also not filling the empty gap...
Then it was time to safe the world ... 🙈
I decided to help children in Africa.
'Because it is not fair that I have such a good life, and they don't.' was my initial nobel thought... 'Let's Help!' and so I started my Africa adventure in 2010 and lasted till 2020.
The first thing I found out was that they were not so unhappy as I saw on television, and the second though that came up was 'who is helping who?'
A question that was walking through my mind for 10 years...
Helping Each Other...
I was doing this charity project in Africa next to my regular commercial business for 10 years. I was still trapped in the 'commercial work world', but Africa touched my soul. The continent, the music, the dancing, the people... yes, most of the people I visited were poor and uncertain if they would have a plate of food tomorrow... but there was something in them, that we had lost in the West... something very important... something I had to find out...
And although I now think a bit different on charity work in third world countries, the pure core of the true people is beautiful. I truly believe that 'we' humans wants the best for eachother, we want to help someone in need. Our hearts are big and our souls wants to connect, becoming one again...
And so I started the project 'We Are Orange Babies'
My goal was to help giving as many children a fair start in life as possible. To raise money for Orange Babies by selling books and photos. Next to that I hoped to inspire people taking action, helping others. Not only in Africa, but also next doors. Being part of the change.
“If every person on earth is doing a little bit more for another, the world will totally look different.”
– Adrian Kuipers –
(Nowadays I would say, fix your own shit first, look at your traumas, clean up your room, start with yourself, then your children, then your family, then your village, then your country, and then another continent... but yeah... you have to start somewhere to find this out 🤗)
I put all my heart into the project 🧡
I captured the stories and emotions through my lens, with my poetry, my films, and my music. I put my whole heart and soul into this project. The sales of my photo art and photo books made almost € 200.000,- for the charity organisation. It gave a foundation for many children... This thought still makes me very happy and it was an important road I had to take, to arrive at the place I am today...

You like to watch the full book and it's stories? Watch it online, or order the book.
PS: If you like to The 1st press of the book was sold out, but there are still some copies left of the 2nd press...
And then the lockdown came...
When the lockdowns came, priorities changed in the world. I stopped traveling and stayed home for a while. I started to clean up my own 'house'. Started to look at my youth trauma, and made a big step by getting the balls to release my music. This was also the time I wanted to make a change closer to home. So I made the Lockdown Inspiration Series and joined Marijn Poels, helping him with making documentaries, which you can find here.
I stopped doing commercial projects, because it really didn't resonate anymore with my moral compass. This was financially a though time, having a household and 2 boys loving pancakes in the morning 🥞. The good thing is that solutions always come.
My music on Spotify went well, and created a second income. Also for the documentary work I received some income. Not comparable with the commercial stuff, but enough to eat and survive.
And what about the Breathing Stuff?
Yeah... the Breathwork Music and Breathing Concerts stories. It all started in 2019 when I discovered the power of the breath for the first time during a retreat in the mountains of Poland. This was the first time I breathe conscious and it changed my life. The first week I only cried and cried, I even didn't know why, because I had a good youth... But it was needed... And after a few months the breathing excercises and cold exposure made my allergies go away. My immune system boosted, and I was able to eat apples🍏 and 🍒 cherries again!
I was so happy about it, that I wanted to use my talents for it. So I made music especially to breath on. With a specific rhythm. Music that brings you even higher... After using it for a year, I thought, why not release it. And so I start releasing the music on my own site and through The Breathwork Movement
After filming and composing The Primordial Code 1 documentary in 2023 I received a dream, a vision to combine the breath, music, sacred places and the power of togetherness. Breathing Concerts were born. The first concert was in Berlin and was followed up by two sold out tours through The Netherlands, together with the 2 shaman's from the documentary. It was amazing.
But the universe, isn't the universe if it gives you some challenges...
I broke up with my wife. During the lockdown our visions on the world were totally different. We tried to fix it, and we stayed together for the boys... but then I saw that the boys needs to see two parents that are living their full potential and are following their life path. They shouldn't see a half weak father, forced staying together. It all went okay in the beginning, till a bomb was dropped on my doorstep. As a naive pacifist I thought the Polish court would see I am a loving father, so I went there in court without lawyer. They made 'hackfleisch' of me, and I couldn't do something else then taking a lawyer. My star sign is a lion, so the universe told me I had to show my teeth and roar...🦁 Taking away the freedom to my children is the worst thing that could happen to me, and so the hardest time in my life started...
I canceled the 2024 tours...
I just couldn't do it, I was knocked out. I had to fix this first before I could be on stage again. And so I did. A new adventure started in a new world while being with one leg in the old world. And this old world was pulling, it was pulling hard...
During 2024 I was going deep into myself. Noticing my patterns in life. My shadow sides. My trauma parts. It was hard, but needed. And brought me on the path of Self Love. The place where it all should start. I noticed I had a lot to learn here, and I did. I went to all kinds of therapies, trying to get to know myself. Trying to find the peace in myself. Trying to feel complete without the outside world. A challenge I must say...
And so a new tour was born...
A Solo Tour with the Theme 'Self Love'. Because that's the path which I am now discovering. My discoveries I translate in music, music to breath on. And this is what I am doing now. Breathing Concerts with the theme Self Love. Hope to see you there!
With love,

When you think my work is important and you like me to continue doing this, concider a donation. This is the way I can continue... 🧡
With love and all my heart,